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Houston Drug Crimes Lawyer

Defending a Wide Range of Drug Offenses

In the state of Texas, drug crime charges are taken extremely seriously and result in harsh penalties. Both possession of drugs and intent to distribute drugs can be charged against you. If you have been charged with any type of drug offense in Texas, Houston drug crimes defense lawyer Samuel M. Gardner can provide you with the aggressive legal representation you need. There are many possible outcomes to drug cases. Samuel M. Gardner can help you review your options and decide on a strategy that protects your best interests.

Contact a Houston drug attorney today at (713) 448-0303 if you were charged with any type of drug crime.

Consequences for a Drug Crime Conviction

Drug crimes can be brought both from state or federal authorities and be charged as either a misdemeanor, felony, or a federal offense. Each offense can carry its own penalties, depending on the circumstances of the crime and your criminal history. For example, a judge may be slightly lenient on a first time offender while someone with a hefty record may face harsher consequences.

The penalties for drug crime convictions may include the following:

  • Delivery or manufacturing of controlled substances: 180 days in jail to life in prison and a fine up to $250,000
  • Possession of controlled substances: 180 days in jail to prison for up to 99 years and a fine of up to $250,000
  • Delivery of marijuana: 180 days in jail to up to 99 years in prison and a fine up to $100,000
  • Possession of marijuana: 180 days in jail to up to 99 years in prison and a fine up to $50,000

Call Samuel M. Gardner Attorney at Law Today

The penalties for drug crimes are serious, but everyone is innocent until proven guilty. If you are facing felony charges, it may be possible to have them reduced to misdemeanors. It may even be possible to have charges dismissed if the police did not follow due procedure during the arrest.

Contact his office at (713) 448-0303 to start discussing your case with experienced Houston drug crime defense lawyer Samuel M. Gardner and learn more about how you can protect your future.


Take a look at our results.
  • Dismissed Accused of Assault Bodily Injury
  • Dismissed Accused of Assault Bodily Injury / Injury to Public Servant
  • Jury Trial / Not Guilty Accused of Assault Family Member
  • Jury Trial / Mistrial / Dismissed Accused of Assault Family Member
  • Dismissed Accused of Assault Family Member
  • Jury Trial / Not Guilty Accused of Evading Arrest
  • Jury Trial / Not Guilty Accused of Felony Evading Arrest
  • Dismissed Accused of Forgery Government Financial Instrument
  • Dismissed Accused of Injury to Elderly
  • Dismissed Accused of Possession of a Controlled Substance 28-200g

Client Testimonials

  • “I would recommend Mr. Gardner to anyone who looking to either beat their case or get the best deal possible. I have a long criminal history and I just knew that I was facing some time; However, I'm free thanks to Mr. Gardner.”

    Previous Client

  • “I highly recommend him as your attorney”

    J. S.


    R. O. L.

  • “He has always been able to address my concerns and is killer in the courtroom.”

    Sonia H.

  • “Best Attorney Ever”

    Kim T.